Since the late 1990s, the sector of community college has experienced an impressing growth.
Today, more than 1,000 community colleges in United States include public, private and tribal colleges as well. Some institutions also have multiple campuses. The real reach and popularity of these institutions can be better gauged from the statistics of the student body. Among the 5.5 million students enrolled in America’s public community colleges, a vast majority is pursuing higher education opportunities.
The introduction of these colleges are no longer viewed as an experiment in higher education. In the post-secondary education of the nation, the community colleges bear a major and integral part. In the students of the community college, a truer picture of the present and future America, is more evident in comparison to the typical four-year formats in the traditional colleges and universities. Among different segments of higher education, the demographic diversities are sharp, more so with the representation of the ethnic minority groups. This multi-ethnic population with various cultural backgrounds are now matriculating by the millions. The nation’s community colleges are offering them a strong foundation with standard academic preparation along with the basic training for pursuing their occupational targets. This population of students also include a large wave of immigrants from all parts the world, specially the Pacific Rim. A balanced curriculum is required to make these students successful in future.