Teaching Assistantship

Graduate school always comes with a hefty price tag and there’s just no way around it.

If you’re like most students, the idea of taking out a loan and going deep into debt doesn’t sound too great either. Fortunately, opportunities are available which let students work in exchange for tuition. One of these opportunities is the teaching assistantship. It is among the most valuable for several reasons.

The Figures
Teaching assistants (TAs) are usually given a stipend or a tuition remission, sometimes both, in exchange for their services. It specifics vary by institution and program. TAs may be given free tuition and/or a stipend typically valued anywhere from $6,000 to $20,000 a year. In some cases, a TA may even receive benefits such as health insurance from the university.

The Bigger Picture
The monetary value of the teaching assistantship is very incredibly important. A TA would basically be getting paid to go to school and further the studies. You would also be learning how to teach the basic concepts of your field. Teaching is, in many ways, the most effective way to learn something. By learning to communicate and articulate the ideas and methods of your discipline, you’ll strengthen your own comprehension and mastery. This is a priceless opportunity in itself. Also, by teaching classes at your university, you’ll have many opportunities to work closely with the other professors and instructors in your department. This is a great way to network and build meaningful connections in your chosen field. The faculty of your department are invaluable resources. They have a wealth of professional connections, and years of experience which you can draw from. By establishing a positive relationship with your professors, you’ll be well-positioned to take advantage of these connections, and you may even get a nice letter of recommendation out of it.

The Job
The duties of a TA typically include teaching lower-level courses and/or assisting professors with course sections. TAs also grade undergraduate students’ exams and papers, run laboratory sessions, and conduct study/review sessions. TAs generally must hold regular office hours, and meet with students during those hours. These duties usually amount to roughly 20 hours a week. This is pretty reasonable when compared to the alternatives for paying for graduate school.

Teaching assistantship is a great opportunity. Not only does it fund your graduate education, it also provides valuable work experience for those who hope to pursue a career in teaching. It’s a great way to establish constructive relationships with your professors, strengthen your mastery over your own field of study, and develop leadership skills.

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