The “Gifted” Label

Labeling a child as “gifted” in a homeschool setting doesn’t have the same effect as it does in traditional schooling. This is because all homeschool programs are personalized, regardless of the child’s ability level. So is there any reason to use the label in homeschooling? There are some instances in …

Homeschooling Gifted Kids

The same basic principles apply to homeschooling gifted kids as to homeschooling any other kids. The goal of homeschooling in general is to provide the environment, resources, and experiences which encourage curiosity, growth, and exploration. Gifted children often respond very well to the homeschooling approach. It provides more flexibility and …

Reasons Why We Homeschool

With our public education system, any informed parent knows there are shortcomings. All too often we use that list of grievances to justify homeschooling our children, as if homeschooling were just a last resort, a choice made only resentfully, the sweeter of two poisons. The fact is, homeschooling can be …

Cons of Unschooling

Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. Below are some cons of unschooling: Missing Puzzle Pieces: Because children choose which subjects to study, there will likely be information gaps in their education. This is true to some degree of any style …

Pros of Unschooling

Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. Here are the pros of unschooling: Educational Freedom: Unschoolers are free to learn and grow according to their unique personality, interests, and learning style. Kids Actually Want to Learn: Unschoolers tend to be highly motivated, because …

Unschooling: History

Unschooling is most closely associated with a man named John Holt. He coined the term in 1977. Holt was a classroom teacher who later rose to distinction by writing books about the shortcomings of the traditional education system, such as How Children Fail and Learning All the Time. He founded …

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