FAQ: Scholarship

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions relating to scholarships.

What is the difference between a lottery scholarship and a merit scholarship?
Students who receive merit-based scholarships typically have exceptional grades, test scores, and have actively participated in community service and extracurricular activities. Students who receive lottery scholarships are randomly selected, so everyone applying has a good chance of obtaining a scholarship.

What are my chances of receiving a scholarship?
It depends on the type of scholarship, applicant qualifications, personal statements, and the overall quality of the application. You’ll enhance your chances when applying for scholarships you qualify for and finding ones designed for specific groups you’re affiliated with, such as school organizations, religious organizations, ethnic groups, etc. When a lot of students apply for the same scholarship, chances of receiving the award diminish. Apply for scholarships specific to academic fields or areas you plan to pursue in your future career since scholarship committees typically look favorably upon it. Remember, finding and applying for scholarships is time consuming and hard work, so be prepared to devote a lot of time and effort to the application process.

How does community service increase my chances for receiving a scholarship?
You will more than likely be asked about your participation with community service on every application form you complete. When many qualified applicants apply for the same scholarship, you can set yourself apart from the competition by being actively involved in your community. In fact, organizations offering scholarships often prefer applicants who’ve participated in community service since they want to assist students intending to actively help others and improve their communities.

Who should I ask to write my letter of recommendation?
Seek letters of recommendations from teachers, coaches, advisors, managers, or anyone else who has mentored or supervised you. It’s inadvisable to seek a recommendation from a family member or friend. Letters of recommendation are endorsements of qualifications and abilities, so seek people who can honestly verify your personal achievements and strengths.

If the required G.P.A. is 3.8 and I have a 3.7, should I still apply?
Do not apply if your numbers are below the specified requirements. Thousands of students typically apply for the same scholarships, so applicants not satisfying the requirements are often not considered.

How quickly will I be notified?
It usually takes a few weeks after your application is reviewed. However, it differs by scholarship.

How does the scholarship provider choose a winner?
There are different criteria for every organization offering scholarships when making award decisions. Students receiving awards typically satisfy all scholarship requirements, and they typically separate themselves from other applicants in personal essays. When reviewing application forms, pay close attention to instructions to determine what providers are specifically seeking in applicants.

Does the amount I receive in scholarships affect my eligibility for financial aid?
It typically does. Organizations sponsoring scholarships usually transfer funds to schools, and financial aid departments cover unpaid tuition fees with these funds. After receiving a scholarship, you might be limited to how many other forms of financial aid you qualify for.

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