Public Speaking Classes

Public speaking classes benefit all students who take them.

If you go through a speech course, you will develop valuable skills that will enhance your self-esteem, your social interaction and your professional life. The advantages of taking public speaking classes will be distinguished with the letter “C” to help you remember why communication is important, not only to your education, but on a personal level as well.

You may have experienced fear of public speaking, also known as speech anxiety or stage fright, according to Stephen Lucas’ “The Art of Public Speaking.” Speech classes can help you overcome this communication anxiety through positive nervousness, which Lucas defines as energy that motivates speakers. As you prepare to deliver a presentation to a crowd, you undergo visualization, which Lucas connects with imagining success in speech. Practice a positive mindset that keeps you cool, calm and collected, so you have that same attitude in front of your audience. If you appear confident to your listeners, then they likely will be interested in your speech and other social situations beyond your classroom.

You may learn terms that apply to your speeches and your daily activities during your public speaking course. Credibility, which is trust that you earn from your audience, stems from goodwill, or caring about and considering your audience’s interests as you prepare and present your speech. When you speak to your class, your demonstration of ethics and focus on the audience makes you credible because your speeches revolve around your listeners, instead of yourself. Furthermore, if you relate to your audience by initiating common ground and conversational quality, then your listeners feel connected and want to tune into your presentation.

Steven Beebe, Susan Beebe and Diana Ivy state in “Communication Principles for a Lifetime” that studying communication improves your health, relationships and employability because your effective speech practices shine in each. Health involves your self-esteem, relationships involve connection and employability involves your professional attributes. When you prepare for a presentation, you may be required to gather sources to cite information. Therefore, you obtain a research background that can guide you in other classes and maybe your future job. Also, you may listen to your classmates’ speeches about different subjects, including cultures, which opens your mind to diversity as an audience member.

You will make yourself more marketable through the assets you have to offer as a result of taking public speaking classes. Expect to deliver your own individual speeches. Also be ready to do assignments that may call for team skills, such as interviews and group projects. You will learn how to portray yourself, not only in class presentations, but in other media as well, such as social media and your resume and cover letters for schools and jobs. After you finish your public speaking courses, you will have an idea of how you may be recognized by others and the kind of impression you want to project.

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