Importance of STEM

STEM subjects are gaining a lot of emphasis, but why, all of a sudden has it become so important?

If done correctly the STEM subjects should boost the education of future students so regardless of what profession they choose they will be prepared for life and be able to further improve conditions in the sciences for all. Learning the sciences develops critical thinking skills and enhances problem solving across the board throughout the disciplines. Also there is much success for people who take on the STEM subjects. These people are innovators and global thinkers. We need to be able to convey the trend on into the future.

As global demand changes, science and technology fields and jobs are soaring in demand. The US needs to become first in science and technology again in order to stay competitive. Many students do not like taking STEM subjects for the sake that they feel they will not do well in them or they don’t have the intelligence to be able to attempt them. This lack of interest is translating into staggering statistics. According to the STEM education coalition, only 45 percent of US high school graduates are ready for college work and fewer than 40 percent of students who enter college intending to major in a STEM field complete a STEM degree. In other studies, US students finished 27th in math and 20th in science in the ranking out of 34 countries.

For the US to stay competitive in the modern world, STEM subjects must be taught diligently. US students, especially minorities and females, have been let down by their local educational districts in order to succeed in subjects related with STEM. It would also benefit districts to implement summer programs in order to strengthen STEM learning.

Successful implementation of the STEM subjects could give the US the competitive edge it needs to compete on a global scale, especially with countries like China and India. The US needs to do its part in order to make STEM subjects more interesting to the student population. Through active participation of students and staff, STEM education is within our reach.

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