College Programs for Students With Autism

Hundreds of colleges and universities have extensive programs designed to help students with autism make the transition to college and then adjust to the social and academic aspects of college life.

According to an article by Research Associate Anne Reamer, “Transition to College,” on the website for Learning Disabilities Association of America, the programs available offer many services outlined to help a college student with autism become comfortable in the college learning environment.

Programs to Help With the Transition
Many colleges and universities offer programs to help students with autism successfully make the transition to college life. Rutgers University’s College Support Program helps students with autism adjust to college life by providing counseling, workshops and ongoing support. Some students may need to meet with mentors weekly or more often to develop methods to help them transition to college.

Socialization Programs
College students with autism may strive with social aspects of college life and may need to rely on socialization programs offered by many universities. The Autism Inclusion Program at University of West Florida provides college students with autism support to improve their social skills through campus events, community activities, relationship management and interpersonal communication skills training.

Academic Programs
As Elizabeth Held reported in an article published USA Today’s website, students with autism often need assistance to learn to schedule a day in college and prioritize assignments. University disability support offices offer programs on campus to provide accommodations for students needing specialized help, including those with autism. In addition, students can often use technology to help them learn better, such as tape recorders to record lectures. Depending on individual needs, these programs allow students with autism to take exams in a quiet location or take extra time to complete work.

Housing Programs
College students with autism often have access to housing options to help them adjust to college living environments. If they would prefer not to have a roommate, some programs allow students with disabilities to move in early and may allow students with autism to live in a single room.

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