BA vs BS Psychology Degree

Students majoring in psychology may opt to gain the post-secondary education required to become psychologists and psychiatrists.

Whether in public healthcare or private practice, these professionals work with patients and other healthcare associates evaluating and treating mental health. To work as therapists, counselors and physician assistants, they may also pursue advanced degrees. While many students use their degrees as the foundation to further education, even with only an undergraduate psychology degree, they still may find work in healthcare as assistants and researchers. Psychology majors may also use their solid knowledge base of human nature to enter fields beyond healthcare, such as business, marketing, sales, real estate, insurance, law, education, human resources and social work.

Common Courses
Regardless of whether a student chooses to pursue a BA or BS, he’ll find much of the course content common to both designations, if he plans to graduate with a degree in psychology. Although requirements vary between individual colleges and programs, most students can expect to take some general education courses along with a core of psychology-focused content. Typical courses consist of Introductory and advanced Psychology courses, Psych Neuroscience, Psych Lab, Statistics and Research Methods. Additional research and internships may also be required.

BA in Psychology
According to the University of Massachusetts college system, the Bachelor of Arts in psychology focuses on sociological and environmental areas of the major and highlights courses in the humanities. Additionally, there may be a requirement of foreign language credits. Students graduating with a BA might pursue careers in education, counseling, social work, human resources and journalism. Those undertaking post-secondary degrees may be looking to continue on with direct client-patient contact as therapists, guidance counselors or psychologists.

BS in Psychology
The Bachelor of Science degree in psychology focuses on the biochemical aspects of mental health. According to the University of Delaware core curriculum requirements for BS Psychology majors, students will take more courses in biology, chemistry, math and computer science than their BA counterparts. Course requirements for BS students may also include additional lab requirements and more intensive research assignments. Students graduating with their BS in psychology may find employment as psychiatric assistants, case managers and assistant administrators. BS holders proceeding on for post-secondary degrees may focus on education, research and public policy.

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